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青島希尼爾翻譯咨詢有限公司整理發(fā)布  2015-9-12 

案件   case
案件受理費   litigation fee
案由   nature of case
頒布   issue
頒布   promulgate
辦案   handle a case
辦理   deal with
包庇罪   crime of concealing the murder
保稅區(qū)   bonded area
保險法   insurance law
保險憑證   insurance certificate
保證   warranty
保證   guarantee
保證金   bail
保證金   margins
保證金帳戶   margin account
保證人,擔保人   guarantor
保證書   indemnity
保證書   covenant of warranty
保證條款   warranty
保值利率   inflation-proof interest rate
被裁定為   be adjudged to be
被陳述人   representee
被告人辨解   statement of the defendant
駁回   dismiss
駁回   reject
駁回上訴   reject an appeal
補償報酬   compensatory payment
不具有法律效力   null
不具有法律效力   void
不履行合同   breach of contract
不履行合約   repudiation of the contract
不名譽的行為及手法   dishonourable conduct and practices
不能成立   unable to establish
不時   frequently
不予支持   unassisted
不作為   omission
財產(chǎn)分割   properties division
財產(chǎn)所有權(quán)   property right
裁定   ruling
裁定   order
產(chǎn)權(quán)關(guān)系   property relations
產(chǎn)權(quán)制度   property order
撤消并發(fā)回給   reversed and remanded to the original court
陳述   state
承擔   assume
承擔責任   to be responsible for
承典人   pledgee
承典人   pawnee
承認   confess
城市住宅局   City House Bureau
出典人   pledgor
出典人   pawnor
出口退稅制度   the system of refunding taxes on exported goods
出口押匯   bill purchased
出資比例   ratio of investments
處罰   penalty
觸犯   violate
傳銷   pyramid selling
串通   collaborate
從寬處理   lenient punishment, liberal punishment
從輕處罰   lesser punishment
從輕處罰   lighter punishment
從輕處罰   impose a lenient sentence
從輕原則   the principle of lighter punishment
從事   commit
從重處罰   heavier punishment
從重處罰   severe punishment
存款機構(gòu)   deposit-taking institution
挫折   frustration
措詞   worded
錯漏   errormistake
答復   Reply
打官司   initiate legal proceeding
打擊   struggle against
打假   crack down on counterfeit goods
打假辦   Office of Cracking down on Fake Products
大廠回族自治縣   Dachang Hui Nationality Autonomous Region
大股   substantial shareholder
大股東控權(quán)人   majority shareholder controller